I Take The Lead
The Freedom to grow your business!

Local Business Networking Blog

What Women Really Need to Know to Market a Business

Networking is NOT Selling. Please, please, please do not try to “SELL” me. Please read this article by one of my dear friends, Ronnie Noize, Google’s #1 Marketing Coach. She knows her stuff!!! By Veronika (Ronnie) Noize, the Marketing Coach Hey gal,...
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Networking 101 with James on the Radio

James Klingensmith, owner of i Take The Lead Colorado https://www.itakethelead.com was vising us all here in Portland this last week, from Denver.  He LOVES to network and truly understands the value and how to make it happen!  As a matter of fact, he has his own radio...
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People refer Business to those they Know, LIKE, and Trust

Are you likable ? You may have great knowledge and be fully capable in your industry, but if others do not like you, they will not refer to you.  Some simple tips on becoming more likable may help you put the pieces of the puzzle together:First impressions are lasting...
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