I Take The Lead
The Freedom to grow your business!

Local Business Networking Blog

Networking 101 with James on the Radio

James Klingensmith, owner of i Take The Lead Colorado https://www.itakethelead.com was vising us all here in Portland this last week, from Denver.  He LOVES to network and truly understands the value and how to make it happen!  As a matter of fact, he has his own radio...
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Portland-based company sells its second franchise….this time in Denver CO

 We are so excited to announce that I Take The Lead https://www.itakethelead.com/ has taken on…yet…another business partner in Denver CO. Mark Kurowski, who currently resides in the Denver area with his family, has taken on the challenge of making I Take The Lead a...
Read More - Portland-based company sells its second franchise….this time in Denver CO