1. Don’t confuse Networking with Selling. They are not synonymous. Do not attend a networking event with the intent of making a sale.
2. Be yourself. People sense when you are putting on ‘airs.’
3. Be sincere.
4. Put your ‘best face forward.’ When you look good, you feel great! I have a good friend who built an entire business just on this one concept.
5. Come prepared with an introduction that is specific, short and gets people asking for more information. AKA Elevator Speech
6. Take an interest in others. (Be genuine when doing this. If you are asking questions while looking at your watch, you are sending the wrong message.)
7. Set your goals ahead of time. For instance, perhaps you only want to meet 1 new person and socialize with old friends.
8. Be known as a connector. People will come to you to ask for introductions, when you are a connector.
9. Work on the proper hand shake.
10. Did I say?: “Networking is NOT selling.”