I Take The Lead
The Freedom to grow your business!

Happy New Year! 2011 is finally here!  And you want to increase your business and/or your sales.  So how do you go about doing that?

If Networking is NOT about Selling, then what good is it?

Here are some ways to gain from networking:

Power Partners – By joining a referral group (i Take The Lead is just one of your options https://www.itakethelead.com)  you will meet others you can classify as your Power Partners. These are professionals/businesses who call on the same clients as you.

Having Power Partners can lead to Joint Ventures.  This can be a very effective way of duplicating  your efforts.

Referrals – Networking is a great way to get referrals, in addition to providing them. Want to be your clients hero? Refer them to someone you know, like and trust, who can solve their biggest problems.

Public Speaking – Many events/referral groups have a 10 minute spot where members take turns to making a presentation to the group.  You have the opportunity to build up your skills by practicing first with your 60-second commercial every weeki.  This is an excellent way to practice your speaking skills in a supportive environment.