Taylor Ellwood helps professionals understand the value of networking and how to have success with workshops that he calls Networking 101. He will be touring several of our Portland/Vancouver area i Take The Lead https://www.itakethelead.com/ to help teach others how they can take their natural network of friends and family and interests and mesh them with their network of business associates. He will cover: What networking is and the do’s/don’ts of networking; how to recognize a networking opportunity in everyday interactions; and how to mesh your natural network with your business network and have everyone benefiting from it. Taylor helps small businesses attract great clients and writers get published. http://www.imagineyourreality.com/As Taylor shares, “I’ve been in your situation and I’ve worked with people in your situation. I know the challenges an author faces when s/he wants to publish a book, but unlike most other writing coaches, I also have intimate experience working in the publishing industry and can bring that experience into any coaching relationship I set up with a writer. Likewise, as a business coach, I know what it’s like to run a small business. In fact, while my coaching business is a small business, it’s not my first small business, so I already have some experiences that I bring with me to the coaching relationship I set up with small business owners. Additionally, my familiarity with online social networking, social book marking, podcasts, and blog technology, allows me to show you how to put these potents tools to work for your business.”
Networking 101
by Becky T | Apr 19, 2009 | Imagine Your Reality, Networking 101, Taylor Ellwood | 2 comments
Taylor! Your message last week was great… Thank you so much – your honest candor and clear positive intention makes hearing you truly inspiring!
Thank you for having Taylor come to the ITTL meeting this Monday. I really enjoyed his talk. Makes me realize that I need to change my networking focus a little.